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Present and Welcome – Garry Brunton, Vicki Russell, Peter Grooby, Mary Leyden, Helen Jones, Steve Gray, Barbara Gordon – Welcome to Barbara Gordon, new Secretary

It was moved that Barbara Gordon be a member of the Committee – PeterG/Steve Gray – carried

Apologies – Ralph Lattimore, Margaret Bosma, Lyn Carrodus, Barbara Campbell

Minutes of Last meeting – 6 November 2014
Matters Arising – Steve Gray co-opted Shirley Lattimore and Peter Grooby to sub-committee for tournaments.

Mike McClure – delete reference in the minutes to the three words, “The Management Chairperson”.

Shirley Lattimore – not going to be a recorder. Steve said that this is not required.

Social Sub-Committee report back re catering – Tania (Jan Head’s daughter) will accept and give us a quote to do tournament catering. She will do three tournaments plus the Christmas parties from 2015 onwards.
Tania pointed out that we will need another trestle table for her catering purposes.
Steve noticed a typo in these minutes – Olave Estate should be Olive Estate
Moved minutes of this meeting be accepted – Vicki/Peter – carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Garry read out the report as Treasurer absent from meeting. Westpac accounts are winding down now that we are banking with NBS.

Diane Donnelly removed from members’ list – unable to be contacted. Barbara to try contacting her as she knows her socially and has her e-mail address etc.
Cross Colin Oldroyd off list as the NZB levies are due and we don’t want to pay for him when he is no longer a member.

Babich Pairs NZ Bridge $264 shouldn’t come under masterpoints and levies. Steve will e-mail Ralph to see what he thinks.

Moved report be accepted as correct – Garry/Vicki

Garry – brief e-mail xchange with Margaret re letter from Betty Semmens retiring and not coming back any more – she will be missed.
One or two accounts which are to be handled by Treasurer.
NZ Bridge AGM held at Congress time September 2014 minutes – points of interest read out by Barbara
TOTS Meeting minutes
M Green Trophy to be rotated same as Howarth Cup in October 2015 at Westport – Westport Club to come back to committee with actual dates

Steve mentioned that we do get a lot more correspondence via e-mail now – NZ Bridge correspondence which Steve will keep an eye on and present at meetings.

Margaret Bosma replied to letters regarding disturbances on Wednesday nights – no copies held.

Moved correspondence be accepted – Garry/Steve –Carried

New Members/Resignations
No new members
B Semmens, G Coote and D Pioch all resigned.
A new book required for Chris Sutton who was left off list for printing members books .

Management Committee Business
Mike McClure no longer maintenance person – this has been temporarily filled by Steve Gray but now we have appointed Bevan Bruce to be a paid maintenance person.

New Proposed Altosoft’s Compscore2 Programme
Account from NZ Bridge for $200 to pay for web hosting for the next 12 months – Compscore2 used at Hamilton for Congress and in Auckland for the recent IPs. Steve is trialling it on his computer at home and also at the Club; can’t work his way round the buttons – Mary has had a look too. Steve suggested we pay the $200 to Bridge NZ and use what we have. If we change, Steve recommends using Altosoft’s template for our website which some Clubs in NZ are using and the results would be published there. Presentation of results etc. is much better than what we currently use. 150 clubs in Oz using it and the bugs have been ironed out. Westport BC are evaluating it and Steve will talk to Phil R and see how they are going.

Duty Roster/Review
Margaret Bosma temporary secretary – now Barbara Gordon.

New Monday Night programme 2015
Shirley Burt convenor – she would like a list of people who play at nights and invite them along – also give to other night convenors to get more people playing. Steve will print out the handicaps for Wednesday and Friday nights and give to Shirley.
Notice to be put up on notice board – General Play – Open Night Mondays
Christmas Function
Vicki picking up punchbowl – all committee members to be there at 12 noon to set-up room
Punch, liquor and glasses all together on one trestle table
Lindsey Guy directing for the afternoon
Spot prizes – scratchies – Vicki has under control
Cash bar – ticket system as normal – buy tickets when paying table money – Helen to organise float

Order of Events – Prizegiving 1st at 1 p.m. and Christmas cake with drinks
Bridge at 1.30 p.m. – 17 tables 1 board per table
Games – trivia quiz about Christmas which Vicki has organised.
26 bottles of wine – need juice – apparently there is some in the kitchen
Steve mentioned low alcohol beer which needs to be on hand. We also have non-alcoholic punch and juice (and there is plenty of water in the tap – this wasn’t mentioned at the meeting – just your naughty new secretary putting her oar in!!))
Clare has been paid to clear up at the end of the function.

Hastings Bullock’s 100th birthday afternoon celebration
Party to now be held on Monday 19th January not 12th – this is an individual event
Clare to do catering
Announce at Christmas party the change from 12th to 19th
Sandwiches, savouries and birthday cake for afternoon tea

Life Members’ Nomination Procedure
Garry working on it – old handwritten records as well as NZ Bridge website. Garry is to work on it over the Christmas break. Helen said we need to get onto it. Vicki suggested we get the information from Margaret Bosma’s memory stick and make a decision at our next meeting. Steve proposed that Garry presents the criteria at our January meeting on what constitutes life membership and we vote on it at the February meeting. All were in favour of this.

Next Year’s Programme
Corrections and membership 2015. Jean Hodson mis-spelt as Hodgson – no G in her surname.
Lea Blunt has an incorrect telephone number – should be 546 8404
Font and Set-Up looks good – Steve

Leasing of Club Rooms
Peter Grooby said the information is all set out in the RBCC document. Management Committee decision.

Maintenance work on Building
Peter moved that any work to be done for and on behalf of the bridge club is not to exceed $300 without referral to the bridge club committee. Seconded Steve and carried.
Water cooler has to be taken in to be cleaned and serviced – where does it go to?
Lettering on awards boards – 2014 champs to be added – refer to Ann Nighy as she knows who can do this.
Helen brought up Madge Johnston’s suggestion about a soap dispenser on the wall in the ladies bathroom; decided too expensive and not warranted.

NBS Sponsorship
They will give us pens – Helen to get in touch with NBS and we can trial using pens rather than pencils.

General Business
Slow Play – disadvantaging everyone – make it known to Directors that if after the 2 minute warning bell has gone and the 1st card has not been lead, all hands back into the board and NP put in bridgepad. It is hoped that this method might reduce the amount of slow play. Moved Garry/Barbara. Carried.
Notices need to be read out each session before play. Ann was setting up notices. Need to promote upcoming tournaments, Marlborough in January, in particular.

Milk – cancel for holiday break – see Ralph/Garry
Road frontage – croquet have a sign – there is spare space and we should look at this for our next meeting. Signwriter??

Nelson ZFM – prior to beginners’ lessons, use promotion on radio as it is free advertising and also put something in local Waimea rag.

Account from NZ Bridge for $200 to pay for web hosting for the next 12 months – Compscore2 used at Hamilton for Congress and in Auckland for the recent IPs. Steve is trialling it on his computer at home and also at the Club; can’t work his way round the buttons – Mary has had a look too. Steve suggested we pay the $200 to Bridge NZ and use what we have. If we change, Steve recommends using Altosoft’s template for our website which some Clubs in NZ are using and the results would be published there. Presentation of results etc. is much better than what we currently use. 150 clubs in Oz using it and the bugs have been ironed out. Westport BC are evaluating it and Steve will talk to Phil R and see how they are going.

Duty Roster/Review
Margaret Bosma temporary secretary – now Barbara Gordon.

New Monday Night programme 2015